At the moment, I have been blessed with the opportunity to focus solely on my school career, and to be able to power through with full time classes in order to graduate June 2012. I am so lucky to have such a supportive husband through it all. I don't know how I would be getting through the next week and the exam period if I was working full time.
One of my classes, an upper level communications class, was largely based on blogging. One of our assignments was to write a blog post every week, which the teacher would grade. I absolutely loved doing that! It feels so great to be able to express your thoughts through writing.
I have completed everything written except for one assignment, which I am taking a break from at the moment to post. I'm so excited to have all of these assignments handed in and off of my plate.
What has everyone been up to since I last posted? Is anyone else in school,and if so, what all do you have due now?

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